This Could Be You …

Finally…something has clicked in my psyche after a lifelong battle with weight and food obsession. After a lot of therapy, cultivating my spirituality and my work with Claudia, I’m probably the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. I am 36 years old and have been on diets since I was 7. I obsessed over food and dieting, the scale, what I ate and who saw me eat it. Finally, I don’t feel controlled by food. I feel empowered and know how to fuel and take care of my body and my soul. When I first started working with Claudia, I felt hopeless, powerless and out of control. I thought if I could lose weight, everything would be fine, I would feel in control. So, naturally I booked a visit with a dietitian. I was hoping she would tell me what to eat and when and put me on a calorically calculated meal plan. She did none of that. In our first visit her primary recommendation was to get some sleep! Best. Advice. Ever. When I was better rested, we moved on to talking about my relationship with food and my emotional triggers that lead to eating. We worked on … Continue reading This Could Be You …